Source code for ENSO.maxu_r

import functools

import numpy
import pylab

import geodat

[docs]def max_anom_index(u, lon_width=40., lat=(-2.,2.), region=None, option='value', sign=1.): ''' Return the index where U is maximum after applying a lon_width degree running mean along the longitude. Assumed uniform grid Args: u ( any field with latitude and longitude lon_width (number): width along the longitude for running average lat (iterable): latitudinal region to be averaged over region (dict): region to be averaged over (default None, overwrites lat if defined, see ` </geodat_doc/>`_ option (str): 'lon'/'lat'/'value' for finding longitude of maximum, latitude of maximum and the maximum value respectively sign (scalar): if positive, the function looks for maximum values; if negative, the function looks for minimum values (useful for analysing La Nina) ''' if region is None: utmp = u.getRegion(lat=lat) else: utmp = u.getRegion(**region) runaveu = utmp.runave(lon_width, 'X') *= numpy.sign(sign) def max_lon(runaveu): ''' Option = "lon", find longitude of the maximum ''' runaveu = runaveu.wgt_ave('Y').squeeze() index =, runaveu.getCAxes().index('X'), return runaveu.getLongitude()[index] def max_lat(runaveu): ''' Option = "lat", find latitude of the maximum ''' iyaxis = runaveu.getCAxes().index('Y') indices = numpy.unravel_index(, return runaveu.getLatitude()[indices[iyaxis]] def max_value(runaveu): ''' Option = "value", find the maximum value''' runaveu = runaveu.wgt_ave('Y').squeeze() ixaxis = runaveu.getCAxes().index('X') return, ixaxis)*sign), dims=[d for d in runaveu.dims if d.getCAxis() not in 'XY'], parent=runaveu) funcs = {'lon': max_lon, 'lat': max_lat, 'value': max_value} return funcs[option](runaveu)
[docs]def max_anom_lat(u,*args,**kwargs): ''' Same as :py:func:`max_anom_index` but with option="lat" enforced ''' kwargs['option'] = 'lat' return max_anom_index(u,*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def max_anom_lon(u,*args,**kwargs): ''' Same as :py:func:`max_anom_index` but with option="lon" enforced ''' kwargs['option'] = 'lon' return max_anom_index(u,*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def max_anom(u,*args,**kwargs): ''' Same as :py:func:`max_anom_index` but with option="value" enforced ''' kwargs['option'] = 'value' return max_anom_index(u,*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def find_max_u_nino3_pairs(u_ref,nino3,lon_width=40.,lat=(-2.,2.)): ''' Find the pair of (u_ref, nino3) for warm and cold conditions after locating the longitude where the regression is largest for each condition Return: ( pos_u, pos_t ), ( neg_u, neg_t) pos_u, pos_t, neg_u and neg_t are all numpy 1d array ''' # Positive nino3 pos_slice = > 0. pos_regress =, nino3.getRegion(time=pos_slice)) pos_lon = max_anom_lon(pos_regress) # Negative nino3 neg_slice = < 0. neg_regress =, nino3.getRegion(time=neg_slice)) neg_lon = max_anom_lon(neg_regress,lon_width=lon_width,lat=lat) u_regional = u_ref.getRegion(lon=(pos_lon-lon_width/2.,pos_lon+lon_width/2.),lat=lat).area_ave().data.squeeze() pos_u = u_regional[pos_slice] neg_u = u_regional[neg_slice] pos_t =[pos_slice] neg_t =[neg_slice] return (pos_u,pos_t),(neg_u,neg_t)
[docs]def plot_r(y,x,doPlot=True,*args,**kwargs): ''' Plot (if doPlot is True) the results and compute the value of r using linear regression. Args: y (numpy 1d array) x (numpy 1d array): x axis (default = [-len(y)/2,...,1,0,-1,...-len(y)/2] Returns: r (number): (slope_positive_x - slope_negative_x)/(slope_positive_x + slope_negative_x) ''' #maxu = numpy.array([max_anom(u) for u in u_list]) if len(y) != len(x): raise ValueError("Length of y should match that of x") #yx = numpy.array(zip(y,x),dtype=[('y','f4'),('x','f4')]) #yx = numpy.sort(yx,order='x') s_neg = numpy.polyfit(x[x<=0],y[x<=0],1)[0] s_pos = numpy.polyfit(x[x>=0],y[x>=0],1)[0] #y = [ a[0] for a in yx ] #x = [ a[1] for a in yx ] if doPlot: #pylab.plot(x,y,*args,**kwargs) pylab.scatter(x,y) return (s_pos - s_neg)/(s_pos + s_neg)
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