Source code for ENSO.ITCZ

import numpy
import scipy.ndimage.interpolation

    import geodat
    _import_geodat_error = None
except ImportError:
    _import_geodat_error = ImportError("GeoDAT is needed but not installed."+\

[docs]def lines(precip, x1d, y1d, thres): ''' Locate the ITCZ and SPCZ orientations (assumed straight line). Args: precip (numpy 2d array) x1d (numpy 1d array): longitude y1d (numpy 1d array): latitude thres (function): a function that takes precip as the only argument, the result is used as the threshold for precipitation. e.g. lambda precip: numpy.percentile(precip,70.) Returns: dict: {'NP': [slope,intercept],'SP':[slope,intercept]} ''' x, y = numpy.meshgrid(x1d, y1d) if not isinstance(precip, precip = assert x.shape == y.shape == xselected = x[precip > thres(precip)] yselected = y[precip > thres(precip)] # Northern Hemisphere x and y NPind = yselected > 0. xnp = xselected[NPind] ynp = yselected[NPind] # Southern Hemisphere x and y SPind = yselected < 0. xsp = xselected[SPind] ysp = yselected[SPind] results = {'NP': numpy.polyfit(xnp, ynp, 1), 'SP': numpy.polyfit(xsp, ysp, 1)} return results
[docs]def precipfunc(var, region=dict(lat=(-20., 20.), lon=(150., 260.))): ''' Select the region and perform time average Args: var ( region (dict) Returns: This function requires the `GeoDAT </geodat_doc>`_ library ''' if not _GEODAT_INSTALLED: raise _import_geodat_error return var.getRegion(lat=(-20., 20.), lon=(150., 260.)).time_ave().squeeze()
[docs]def lines_var(var, thres): ''' Shortcut for using lines with Args: var ( precipitation thres (function): see :py:func:`ENSO.ITCZ.lines` Returns: dict: {'NP': [slope,intercept],'SP':[slope,intercept]} This function requires the `GeoDAT </geodat_doc>`_ library ''' if not _GEODAT_INSTALLED: raise _import_geodat_error return lines(, var.getLongitude(), var.getLatitude(), thres)
[docs]def ITCZ_lat_x(var, lon, lat, weighted=True): ''' Return the latitude of the ITCZ/SPCZ as a function of longitude with the option of being weighted by the intensity of the ITCZ/SPCZ Args: var (numpy.ndarray): precipitation (...,lat,lon) lon (numpy.array): longitudes lat (numpy.array): latitudes weighted (bool): default True Returns: dict: {'NP':latitudes (numpy array) of the ITCZ, 'SP':latitudes (numpy array) of the SPCZ} ''' if var.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("var should have the shape of (...,lat,lon)") if var.shape[-1] != len(lon): raise ValueError("Latitude must be the last dimension") if var.shape[-2] != len(lat): raise ValueError("Latitude must be the second last dimension") lonND,latND = numpy.meshgrid(lon,lat) lonND = lonND[(numpy.newaxis,)*(var.ndim-2)] latND = latND[(numpy.newaxis,)*(var.ndim-2)] # Latitude must be the second last dimension lat_axis = -2 % y0 = {} if weighted: newaxis_slice = (slice(None),)*lat_axis + (numpy.newaxis,) # Northern y0['NP'] = (var*latND*(latND > 0)).sum(axis=lat_axis)[newaxis_slice]/\ (var*(latND > 0)).sum(axis=lat_axis)[newaxis_slice] # Southern y0['SP'] = (var*latND*(latND < 0)).sum(axis=lat_axis)[newaxis_slice]/\ (var*(latND < 0)).sum(axis=lat_axis)[newaxis_slice] else: # Northern y0['NP'] = lat[(var*(latND > 0)).argmax(axis=lat_axis)] # Southern y0['SP'] = lat[(var*(latND < 0)).argmax(axis=lat_axis)] return y0
[docs]def y0(var, lon, lat): ''' Find the latitude of the ITCZ/SPCZ where the rainfall is heaviest Args: var (numpy 2d array): precipitation (lat,lon) lon (numpy 1d array): longitudes lat (numpy 1d array): latitudes Returns: dict: {'NP':latitude (scalar) of the ITCZ, 'SP':latitude (scalar) of the SPCZ} ''' assert var.ndim == 2 assert var.shape[0] == len(lat) assert var.shape[1] == len(lon) varxave = var.mean(axis=-1) y0 = {} # Northern y0['NP'] = lat[lat > 0][varxave[lat > 0].argmax()] # Southern y0['SP'] = lat[lat < 0][varxave[lat < 0].argmax()] return y0
[docs]def x0(var, lon, lat): ''' Find the longitude of the ITCZ/SPCZ where the rainfall is heaviest Args: var (numpy 2d array): precipitation (lat,lon) lon (numpy 1d array): longitudes lat (numpy 1d array): latitudes Returns: dict: {'NP':for northern hemisphere, 'SP':for southern hemisphere} ''' assert var.ndim == 2 assert var.shape[0] == len(lat) assert var.shape[1] == len(lon) varave = geodat.stat.runave(var, 10, axis=-1) x0 = {} # Northern varaveNP = varave[lat > 0, :].mean(axis=0) x0['NP'] = lon[varaveNP.argmax()] # Southern varaveSP = varave[lat < 0, :].mean(axis=0) x0['SP'] = lon[varaveSP.argmax()] return x0
[docs]def xave_max(var, lon, lat): ''' Compute the zonal average and then return the max for ITCZ and SPCZ Args: var (numpy 2d array): precipitation (lat,lon) lon (numpy 1d array): longitudes lat (numpy 1d array): latitudes Returns: dict: {'NP':for northern hemisphere, 'SP':for southern hemisphere} ''' assert var.ndim == 2 assert var.shape[0] == len(lat) assert var.shape[1] == len(lon) varxave = var.mean(axis=-1) amp = {} # Northern amp['NP'] = varxave[lat > 0, :].max() # Southern amp['SP'] = varxave[lat < 0, :].max() return amp
[docs]def amp_sum(var, lon, lat): ''' Return the sum for the ITCZ and SPCZ Args: var (numpy 2d array): precipitation (lat,lon) lon (numpy 1d array): longitudes lat (numpy 1d array): latitudes Returns: dict("NP"=for northern hemisphere, "SP"=for southern hemisphere) ''' amp = {} # Northern amp['NP'] = var[lat > 0, :].sum() # Southern amp['SP'] = var[lat < 0, :].sum() return amp
[docs]def width(var, lon, lat, thres): ''' Find the slopes of the central axes of the ITCZ; rotate the field and then find the widths of the ITCZ/SPCZ Args: var (numpy 2d array): of shape (lat,lon) lon (numpy 1d array): longitudes lat (numpy 1d array): latitudes thres (function): a function that takes precip as the only argument, the result is used as the threshold for precipitation. e.g. lambda precip: numpy.percentile(precip,70.) Returns: dict: {'NP':width in degree for the northern hemisphere, 'SP':same but for the southern hemisphere} ''' # Get the slopes and intercepts for the ITCZ and SPCZ central_axes = lines(var, lon, lat, thres) widths = {} for key, value in central_axes.items(): slope = value[0] theta = numpy.arctan(slope)*-1 matrix = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(theta), -1*numpy.sin(theta)], [numpy.sin(theta), numpy.cos(theta)]]) newvar = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(var,matrix) newvar_xave = newvar.mean(axis=-1) if key == 'NP': newvar_xave[lat < 0] = else: newvar_xave[lat > 0] = imax = newvar_xave.argmax() iwidth = numpy.argmin( numpy.abs(newvar_xave/newvar_xave[imax] - numpy.exp(-1.))) widths[key] = numpy.abs(lat[iwidth] - lat[imax])/numpy.sqrt(2.) return widths
[docs]def analysis(var,thres): ''' Perform an analysis on the ITCZ pattern Args: var ( thres (function): see :py:func:`ENSO.ITCZ.lines` or :py:func:`ENSO.ITCZ.width` Return: dict("NP"=dict(key=['y0','x0','width','slope','y-intercept','amp']), "SP" : same as above } where y0 is the latitude of the max zonal mean; width is the gaussian width of the ITCZ/SPCZ across itself slope;\n y-intercept gives the location of the ITCZ/SPCZ as lat = y-intercept + slope * lon This function requires the `GeoDAT </geodat_doc>`_ library ''' if not _GEODAT_INSTALLED: raise _import_geodat_error y0_ans = y0(, var.getLongitude(), var.getLatitude()) width_ans = width(, var.getLongitude(), var.getLatitude(), thres) slopes_ans = lines(, var.getLongitude(), var.getLatitude(), thres) x0_ans = x0(, var.getLongitude(), var.getLatitude()) xave_max_ans = xave_max(, var.getLongitude(), var.getLatitude()) results = {key: dict(y0=y0_ans[key], width=width_ans[key], slope=slopes_ans[key][0], y_intercept=slopes_ans[key][1], x0=x0_ans[key], xave_max=xave_max_ans[key]) for key in y0_ans.keys()} return results
[docs]def idealized(amp,x,y,x_loc,y_loc,slope,x_width,y_width,return_Variable=False): ''' Return a 2D numpy array or a with a gaussian profile Args: amp (numeric): amplitude of the profile x (numpy 1d or 2d array): the x axis y (numpy 1d or 2d array): the y axis x_loc (numeric): x coordinate for the maximum of the gaussian profile y_loc (numeric): y coordinate for the maximum of the gaussian profile slope (numeric): rotate the gaussian profile so that it makes an angle arctan(slope) with the horizontal axis x_width (numeric): width, standard deviation of the profile in the x direction (before rotation) y_width (numeric): wifth, standard deviation of the profile in the y direction (before rotation) return_Variable (bool): whether or not a is returned (supported if `GeoDat </geodat_doc>`_ is installed) Returns: numpy.ndarray or if return_Variable is True ''' theta = numpy.arctan(slope) if x.ndim == 2 and y.ndim == 2: assert x.shape == y.shape else: assert x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1 x,y = numpy.meshgrid(x,y) xP = (x - x_loc)*numpy.cos(theta) + (y - y_loc)*numpy.sin(theta) yP = -1.*(x - x_loc)*numpy.sin(theta) + (y - y_loc)*numpy.cos(theta) #if amp_sum is not None: # print('amp_sum is given and is used to recalculate amp.') # amp = amp_sum/2.*numpy.pi/y_width/x_width q = amp*numpy.exp(-0.5*(xP**2.)/(x_width**2.))*numpy.exp(-0.5*(yP**2.)/\ (y_width**2.)) #if amp_sum is not None: # print "q_sum = {:.2f} and amp_sum = {:.2f}".format(q.sum(),amp_sum) if return_Variable: if not _GEODAT_INSTALLED: raise _import_geodat_error newvar =,varname="Q", dims=[[:,0], dimname='LAT', units='degrees_N'),[0,:], dimname='LON', units='degrees_E')]) return newvar else: return q
def y_max(precip,lat,yaxis=-2,ave_axis=-1): var_ave = geodat.keepdims.mean(precip,axis=ave_axis) return lat[var_ave.argmax(axis=yaxis)].squeeze()
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