import numpy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from .parallelprocessing import run_in_parallel, extract_output
[docs]def getSlice(axis, lower, upper, modulo=None):
'''Given a numpy array, return a slice that extracts the entries
where lower<=array<=upper.
The function also takes an optional argument "modulo"
For example, x = numpy.arange(12)
getSlice(x,4,9,modulo=6) returns slice(5,
if modulo is not None:
axis, lower, upper = (numpy.mod(a, modulo)
for a in [axis, lower, upper])
# if the axis goes in increasing or decreasing direction?
if modulo is not None:
if len(axis) == 1:
axis_inc = axis_dec = True
axis_inc = numpy.diff(axis)[0] > 0
axis_dec = numpy.diff(axis)[0] < 0
axis_inc = all([d > 0 for d in numpy.diff(axis)]) # increasing
axis_dec = all([d < 0 for d in numpy.diff(axis)]) # decreasing
if not axis_inc and not axis_dec:
print axis
raise Exception('''The axis is neither monotonically
increasing or decreasing.''')
# There is a need to determine whether the slice spans separated region
# along a circular axis. e.g. the longitude axis runs from 0 to 360. but
# the user wants to extract -10. to 10., crossing the 0.
# e.g. lon = (-180.,180.), user wants (-200.,-170.)
# Here find the location on the axis closest to lower/upper, taking in
# account that lower<=axis<=upper
# Use mask array
axis_ma =
a_lower = axis_ma-lower
a_lower[a_lower < -1.e-8] =
a_upper = upper - axis_ma
a_upper[a_upper < -1.e-8] =
i1 =
i2 =
# Is it a circular axis and the boundary is crossed? a numpy array will
# be returned for indexing
crossedbnd = modulo is not None and ((axis_inc and i1 > i2) or \
(axis_dec and i2 > i1))
if crossedbnd and axis_inc:
return numpy.array(range(i1, len(axis))+range(0, i2+1))
elif crossedbnd and axis_dec:
return numpy.array(range(0, i1+1)+range(i2, len(axis)))
elif not crossedbnd and axis_inc:
if i2 >= i1:
return slice(i1, i2+1, None)
if i2 < i1:
raise Exception('''lower and upper bounds are swapped.
elif not crossedbnd and axis_dec:
if i2 > i1:
raise Exception('''lower and upper bounds are swapped.
if i2 <= i1:
return slice(i2, i1+1, None)
print 'axis,lower,upper:', axis, lower, upper
print 'i1,i2:', i1, i2
print 'crossedbnd:', crossedbnd
raise Exception("Error in getSlice")
[docs]def find_1d(arr, criterion, nresult=1, result_func=lambda i, x: (i, x),
arr (numpy.array)
criterion (function that returns boolean), e.g. lambda v: v > 2
nresult (str) - number of results (1 means return the first result)
result_func (function that accepts (int,value))- by default returns the
index i and the value x
i.e. lambda i,x: (i,x)
if arr.ndim != 1:
raise Exception("Expect the array to be 1-D")
if not isinstance(nresult, int):
raise TypeError("nresult must be an integer")
if nresult <= 0:
raise ValueError("nresult must be > 0")
result = []
for i, x in enumerate(arr):
if criterion(x):
result.append(result_func(i, x))
if len(result) == nresult:
if len(result) != nresult:
result = tuple(result + [fillvalue,]*(nresult-result))
if len(result) == 1:
return result[0]
return result
[docs]def apply_along_axis(func, axis, arr, chunk_size=10000, do_parallel=True,
*args, **kwargs):
''' This seems to be about 3 times faster than numpy.apply_along_axis '''
if axis != -1 and axis != arr.ndim-1:
# roll arr to make the required axis comes last
# this should just be a view instead of creating a new array
new_arr = numpy.rollaxis(arr, axis, arr.ndim)
new_arr = arr
rolled_shape = new_arr.shape
if new_arr.ndim > 2:
# reshape
new_arr = new_arr.reshape(-1, new_arr.shape[-1])
if new_arr.shape[0] > chunk_size and do_parallel:
# Call apply_along_axis multiple time using multiprocessing
parallel_fun = run_in_parallel(apply_along_axis)
for arr_slice in getSlice_chunk(new_arr, istep=chunk_size):
ps, queue_output = parallel_fun(func, 1, new_arr[arr_slice],
*args, do_parallel=False, **kwargs)
result = numpy.vstack(extract_output(ps, queue_output))
# Get the first result to find how long the reduced axis should be
first_result = numpy.array(func(new_arr[0, :].squeeze(),
*args, **kwargs))
reduced_axis_len = first_result.size
# this is a new array
result = numpy.zeros((new_arr.shape[0], reduced_axis_len),
result[0, :] = first_result
for iother in xrange(1, result.shape[0]):
result[iother, :] = numpy.array(func(new_arr[iother, :].squeeze(),
*args, **kwargs))
# reshape result back
result = result.reshape(rolled_shape[:-1]+(-1,))
# roll the result back
return numpy.rollaxis(result, -1, axis)
[docs]def find_value(arr, axis, func, nresult=1):
''' Find the first nresult values that fulfils func '''
return apply_along_axis(find_1d, axis, arr, criterion=func,
result_func=lambda i, x: x,
[docs]def find_ind2(arr, axis, func, nresult=1):
''' Find the index(indices) of the first nresult value(s)
that fulfils func '''
return apply_along_axis(find_1d, axis, arr, criterion=func, nresult=nresult,
result_func=lambda i, x: i,
[docs]def find_ind(arr, axis, func):
''' Find the first index where func(arr) is true along axis
func has to return a numpy boolean array '''
return numpy.argmax(func(arr), axis=axis)
[docs]def find_loc(arr, axis, value, x, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, **kwargs):
''' Find the x along an axis
where arr == value using scipy.interpolation.interp1d
# I have the old version of scipy so I need to sort arr_1d
def new_func_1d(arr_1d, x=x):
# Force monotonic increasing
arr_ind = numpy.argsort(arr_1d)
arr_1d = arr_1d[arr_ind]
x = x[arr_ind]
return interp1d(arr_1d, x,
return apply_along_axis(new_func_1d, axis, arr, **kwargs)
[docs]def find_loc2(arr, axis, value, x):
''' Find the x along an axis
where arr == value using linear interpolation
arr is assumed to be monotonic along the selected axis
if len(x) != arr.shape[axis]:
raise Exception('''Length of x ({}) should be the same as the selected
dimension ({})'''.format(len(x), arr.shape[axis]))
npmod =
npmod = numpy
# force-cast arr into floating point values
if not issubclass(arr.dtype.type, numpy.inexact):
arr = arr.astype(numpy.float_)
# Find the first zero crossing
ix_inc = npmod.argmax(arr >= value, axis=axis)
ix_dec = npmod.argmax(arr <= value, axis=axis)
def get_y(*args, **kwargs):
''' to be used by numpy.fromfunction '''
sl = list(args)
sl.insert(axis, kwargs['ix'])
return arr[tuple(sl)]
y_inc_m1 = npmod.fromfunction(get_y, ix_inc.shape, dtype=int,
ix=numpy.where(ix_inc > 0, ix_inc-1, 0))
y_dec_m1 = npmod.fromfunction(get_y, ix_dec.shape, dtype=int,
ix=numpy.where(ix_dec > 0, ix_dec-1, 0))
ix_hi = npmod.where(((ix_inc <= ix_dec) & ((ix_inc != 0) | \
else True))) |\
((ix_inc >= ix_dec) & ((ix_dec == 0) | \
else True))),
ix_inc, ix_dec)
ix_lo = npmod.where(ix_hi > 0, ix_hi-1, 0)
x_lo, x_hi = x[ix_lo], x[ix_hi]
# y_lo and y_hi would have shape of (m,l) as well
y_lo = npmod.fromfunction(get_y, ix_lo.shape, dtype=int, ix=ix_lo)
y_hi = npmod.fromfunction(get_y, ix_hi.shape, dtype=int, ix=ix_hi)
dx = x_hi - x_lo
dy = y_hi - y_lo
# Interpolate when y_lo != value
# Out of bound value will be assigned nan
result = npmod.where(y_lo == value, x_lo, (value-y_lo)*dx/dy + x_lo)
return result
[docs]def find_loc2p1(arr, axis, value, x, masked_value=None):
''' Find the x along an axis
where arr == value using linear interpolation
arr is assumed to be monotonic along the selected axis
if len(x) != arr.shape[axis]:
raise Exception('''Length of x ({}) should be the same as the selected
dimension ({})'''.format(len(x), arr.shape[axis]))
def get_y(*args, **kwargs):
sl = list(args)
sl.insert(axis, kwargs['ix'])
return arr[tuple(sl)]
npmod =
npmod = numpy
# View arr as floating point values
if not issubclass(arr.dtype.type, numpy.inexact):
arr = arr.view(numpy.float_)
# Slicing
sl_p1, sl_m1 = zip(*[(slice(None), slice(None)) if iax != axis
else (slice(1, None), slice(0, -1))
for iax in xrange(arr.ndim)])
# Changing sign
arr_m_sign = numpy.sign(arr - value)
sign_changed = arr_m_sign[sl_p1]*arr_m_sign[sl_m1] <= 0
# Make sure masked values are neglected
# By providing a masked value, the input can be a numpy.ndarray
# instead of a
# This may be faster than masking the array beforehand
if masked_value is not None:
sign_changed = sign_changed & \
(arr[sl_m1] != masked_value) & \
(arr[sl_p1] != masked_value)
# If there is no zero crossing at all
# Make ix_hi and ix_lo identical and dx/dy will be nan
ix_lo = npmod.argmax(sign_changed, axis=axis)
ix_hi = npmod.where(~npmod.any(sign_changed, axis=axis),
ix_lo, ix_lo+1)
x_lo, x_hi = x[ix_lo], x[ix_hi]
# y_lo and y_hi would have shape of (m,l) as well
y_lo = npmod.fromfunction(get_y, ix_lo.shape, dtype=int, ix=ix_lo)
y_hi = npmod.fromfunction(get_y, ix_hi.shape, dtype=int, ix=ix_hi)
dx = x_hi - x_lo
dy = y_hi - y_lo
# Interpolate when y_lo != value
# Out of bound value will be assigned nan
result = npmod.where(y_lo == value, x_lo, (value-y_lo)*dx/dy+x_lo)
return result
[docs]def find_loc3(arr, axis, value, x, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, **kwargs):
''' Find the x along an axis
where arr == value using scipy.interpolation.interp1d
# I have the old version of scipy so I need to sort arr_1d
def new_func_1d(arr_1d, x=x):
# Force monotonic increasing
arr_ind = numpy.argsort(arr_1d)
arr_1d = arr_1d[arr_ind]
x = x[arr_ind]
return numpy.array([interp1d(arr_1d, x,
return numpy.apply_along_axis(new_func_1d, axis, arr)
[docs]def find_max(arr, axis):
'''Just to make sure it replicates the builtin numpy function'''
return apply_along_axis(numpy.max, axis, arr)
[docs]def getSlice_chunk(arr, niter=10, istep=None, idim_iter=0):
''' A generator that run the func iteratively in chunk
Iterate through the *idim_iter*-th dimension along arr
arr = numpy.array
niter = number of iteration (or minus 1)
iarg_iter = the index of which element in args is to be iterated over
istep would over-run niter
For example,
x = numpy.arange(34).reshape(17,2)
gen = getSlice_chunk(x,niter=3,idim_iter=0) ---> slice(0,5) ---> slice(5,10) ---> slice(10,15) ---> slice(15,17)
assert isinstance(niter, int)
assert isinstance(idim_iter, int)
icurrent = 0
length = arr.shape[idim_iter]
if istep is None:
istep = length/niter
while icurrent < length-1:
sliceobj = (slice(None),)*idim_iter +\
(slice(icurrent, min(icurrent+istep, length)),)
yield sliceobj
icurrent += istep
[docs]def is_strict_monotonic_func(axis):
''' Check whether axis is a strictly monotonic function
axis (1d numpy.ndarray)
return (numpy.diff(axis) > 0.).all() or (numpy.diff(axis) < 0.).all()
[docs]def fix_longitude(axis, modulo=360.):
''' Add modulo (default 360.) *in-place* to the points
beyond which discontinuity occurs
axis -- numpy 1d array
if axis.ndim != 1:
raise TypeError("Input should be an 1-d array")
if is_strict_monotonic_func(axis):
return axis
i_jump = numpy.argmin(numpy.diff(axis))+1
axis[i_jump:] += modulo
return fix_longitude(axis)