import numpy
from . import keepdims
[docs]def integrate(data, axes=None, iax=None, **kwargs):
''' Integrate data along a selected set of axes
Dimension is maintained using keepdims.sum
data - numpy.ndarray
axes - a list of axes
iax - a list of integers that select which axes are integrated along
if axes is None:
axes = [numpy.arange(idim) for idim in data.shape]
if iax is None:
iax = range(data.ndim)
if type(iax) is not list:
iax = [iax]
inc = numpy.ones(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
for ax in iax:
ax_data = numpy.array(axes[ax], dtype=data.dtype)
dx = numpy.gradient(ax_data)[(numpy.newaxis,)*ax + \
(slice(None),) + \
inc *= numpy.abs(dx)
# Perform integration
return keepdims.sum(data*inc, axis=iax, **kwargs)
[docs]def gradient(f, dx=1., axis=0, mask_boundary=False):
'''Compute central difference for a pariticular axis
f - numpy ndarray
dx - spacing
if f.shape[axis] <= 1:
raise ValueError("Length of axis {} must be >1".format(axis))
result =, dtype=f.dtype)
axis = axis % f.ndim
sl_right = (slice(None),)*axis \
+ (slice(2, None),) + (slice(None),)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
sl_left = (slice(None),)*axis \
+ (slice(0, -2),) + (slice(None),)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
sl_center = (slice(None),)*axis \
+ (slice(1, -1),) + (slice(None),)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
# Make sure all dimension of dx have len>1
dx = dx.squeeze()
# Broadcasting dx
sl_dx_center = (numpy.newaxis,)*axis + (slice(1, -1),) \
+ (numpy.newaxis,)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
if numpy.isscalar(dx):
result[sl_center] = (f[sl_right] - f[sl_left])/2./dx
elif result.ndim == dx.ndim:
result[sl_center] = (f[sl_right] - f[sl_left])/2./dx[sl_center]
result[sl_center] = (f[sl_right] - f[sl_left])/2./dx[sl_dx_center]
# Boundary values
b1 = (slice(None),)*axis \
+ (slice(0, 1),) + (slice(None),)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
b2 = (slice(None),)*axis \
+ (slice(-1, None),) + (slice(None),)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
if mask_boundary:
result[b1] =
result[b2] =
b1_p1 = (slice(None),)*axis \
+ (slice(1, 2),) + (slice(None),)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
b2_m1 = (slice(None),)*axis \
+ (slice(-2, -1),) + (slice(None),)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
sl_dx_0 = (numpy.newaxis,)*axis + (slice(0, 1),) \
+ (numpy.newaxis,)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
sl_dx_end = (numpy.newaxis,)*axis + (slice(-1, None),) \
+ (numpy.newaxis,)*(f.ndim-axis-1)
if numpy.isscalar(dx):
result[b1] = (f[b1_p1] - f[b1])/dx
result[b2] = (f[b2] - f[b2_m1])/dx
elif result.ndim == dx.ndim:
result[b1] = (f[b1_p1] - f[b1])/dx[b1]
result[b2] = (f[b2] - f[b2_m1])/dx[b2]
result[b1] = (f[b1_p1] - f[b1])/dx[sl_dx_0]
result[b2] = (f[b2] - f[b2_m1])/dx[sl_dx_end]
return result
[docs]def div(ux, uy, dx, dy, xaxis=-1, yaxis=-2):
''' Compute the divergence of a vector field ux,uy
dx, dy are either 1-d array or a scalar
xaxis - integer indicating the location of x axis (default = -1)
yaxis - integer indicating the location of y axis (default = -2)
result = gradient(ux, dx, axis=xaxis, mask_boundary=True) + \
gradient(uy, dy, axis=yaxis, mask_boundary=True)
return result
def _div(ux, uy, dx, dy):
''' Backup - Compute the divergence of a vector field ux,uy
dx, dy are either 1-d array or a scalar
xaxis - integer indicating the location of x axis (default = -1)
yaxis - integer indicating the location of y axis (default = -2)
ny, nx = ux.shape[-2:]
if numpy.isscalar(dx) or dx.ndim <= 1:
dx = numpy.resize(dx, (nx, ny)).T
if numpy.isscalar(dy) or dy.ndim <= 1:
dy = numpy.resize(dy, (ny, nx))
result =
result[..., 1:-1, 1:-1] = \
(ux[..., 1:-1, 2:]-ux[..., 1:-1, 0:-2])/2./dx[1:-1, 1:-1] \
+ (uy[..., 2:, 1:-1]-uy[..., 0:-2, 1:-1])/2./dy[1:-1, 1:-1]
result[..., 0, :] =
result[..., -1, :] =
result[..., :, 0] =
result[..., :, -1] =
return result