Source code for geodat.stat

import numpy
import scipy.interpolate
from scipy.ndimage import filters
import scipy.stats.mstats
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
formatter = logging.Formatter(
    "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")

[docs]def lat_weights(lats): """ Returns cos(lats) Required as a weighting for calculating areas on a regular cartesian lat-lon grid in which meridians converge. Arguments: lats (numpy ndarray): in degree Returns: numpy ndarray """ wgts = numpy.cos(numpy.radians(lats)) return wgts
[docs]def runave(data, N, axis=0, step=None): """ Compute a smooth box-car running average and masked edge values using scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve1d Args: data (numpy array) N (int) : width of the box car axis (int): axis along which the average is computed (See scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve1d) step (optional, int): skips between the box car samples Returns: numpy masked array (same shape as data) """ if isinstance(data, data = data.filled(numpy.nan) if step is None: weights = numpy.ones((N,)) else: if type(step) is not int: raise Exception("step should be an integer") weights = numpy.array(([1.]+[0.]*(step-1))*(N-1)+[1.]) weights /= weights.sum() return data, weights, mode='constant', cval=numpy.nan, axis=axis))
[docs]def skewness(data): """ Essentially the same as scipy.stats.skew or scipy.stats.mstats.skew depending on the input Input: data (numpy array or masked array) Returns: numpy array or masked array """ if isinstance(data, npmod = else: npmod = numpy return npmod.power(data-npmod.mean(data), 3).mean()/\ npmod.power(npmod.var(data), 3./2.)
[docs]def resample_xy(x, y, xnew, nx, ny, y_always_valid=True): """ Given paired values of (x,y), randomly sample a set of values for ynew given an array xnew such that the joint distribution of (xnew, ynew) resembles that of (x,y) Arguments: x (numpy 1d array) y (numpy 1d array): shape should match x xnew (numpy 1d array) nx (int) : the number of bins applied to x ny (int) : the number of bins applied to y y_always_valid (bool): keep drawingn from the cdf until y is valid Returns: ynew (numpy 1d array): length = len(xnew) """ if y.shape != x.shape: raise ValueError("shape of y should match the shape of x") xedges = numpy.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), nx+1) xnew_ibin = numpy.digitize(xnew, xedges) y_cdf = {} y_mids = {} ynew = numpy.empty_like(xnew, dtype=y.dtype) for ix, ibin in enumerate(xnew_ibin): # If the xnew is out of bound, return numpy.nan for that entry if xnew[ix] >= xedges[-1] or xnew[ix] < xedges[0]: logger.warn("Out of bound for x={:.2e}. "+\ "Return numpy.nan.".format(float(xnew[ix]))) ynew[ix] = numpy.nan continue # Don't compute the cdf twice for the same bin # Compute it once and save it if ibin not in y_cdf: ys = y[(x > xedges[ibin-1]) & (x <= xedges[ibin])] y_cdf[ibin], y_mids[ibin] = cdf(ys,bins=ny) # Keep drawing a new y until the drawn value is valid while True: rand_num = numpy.random.uniform() try: ynew[ix] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( y_cdf[ibin], y_mids[ibin])(rand_num) break except ValueError: if y_always_valid: continue else: ynew[ix] = numpy.nan break return ynew
[docs]def cdf(data, **kwargs): """ Compute a histogram and the corresponding cumulative frequency polygon. Args: data (numpy 1d array) option (str): currently accepts "hist" only Keyword arguments currently are passed to numpy.histogram Returns: bins, cdf : mid values of bins and the cumulative frequencies """ # Use histogram for cdf h, x = numpy.histogram(data,**kwargs) x_mid = 0.5*(x[1:]+x[:-1]) h_cum = numpy.cumsum(h) return h_cum/float(h_cum[-1]), x_mid
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